By M. Govindan

This book is addressed to serious Biblical students, Christians who are interested in comparing Eastern spiritual teachings with those of Christianity, and students of spiritual Yoga, otherwise known as Classical Yoga and Tantra, as well as students and practitioners of meditation and other spiritual disciplines.

The discoveries of ancient manuscripts, and their analysis by independent critical scholars using scientific methods, provide much insight into the original teachings of Jesus.

The "sayings" of Jesus, circulated orally during the first decades following his crucifixion are probably the most authentic source of his teachings that we have available today. These “sayings” are limited to a few dozen parables, aphorisms and sharp retorts, which were repeated in the oral tradition for two or three decades before they were eventually recorded by the anonymous writers of the Gospels.

Remarkably, what Jesus taught through his parables and sayings exactly parallels the yogic teachings of the Yoga Siddhas.

For those seeking to apply the wisdom of these sayings in their own life, the implications are clear. Seek not to know about God; instead, seek to know God through higher states of consciousness.

The objectives of this book are to:

1. demonstrate that what Jesus taught, for example through his parables and sayings, was amazingly similar to what the Yoga masters, the Siddhas, taught.

2. to explore the implications of these parallel teachings for those seeking to apply them in their own life, not so much to know about God, as to how to know God through higher states of consciousness.

3. to show how the discoveries of ancient manuscripts, and their analysis by independent critical scholars using scientific methods, provide much insight into the original teachings of Jesus.

4. To demonstrate why the "sayings" of Jesus, circulated orally during the first decades following his crucifixion before being recorded, are probably the most authentic source of his teachings that we have available today. These are limited to a few dozen parables, aphorisms and sharp retorts, which were repeated in the oral tradition for two or three decades before they were eventually recorded by the anonymous writers of the Gospels.

5. To show how the original teachings of Jesus, as recorded in his "sayings" and parables, became obscured once Christianity was defined in terms of dogmas and creeds.

6.. To explore the question "Who was Jesus?" based upon those statements that many modern critical scholars have concluded are the most authentic.

7. To explore the questions "Where is the Kingdom of God?" and How may I reach it?" based upon those statements that many modern critical scholars have concluded are the most authentic.

8. To explore the question "Why are the teachings of Jesus so contrary to ordinary human nature?"

Available in English, French and Spanish. Order your copy now for only USD$15.95 or CA$19.61 (inc gst) plus US$4.50 for shipping and handling to the US or CA$2.90 within Canada. US$12.50 for overseas airmail. In Europe: 12.50 euros + 5 euros for shipping. ISBN 978-1-895383-43-0. To Order: With a credit card: call Kriya Yoga Publications at 1-888-252-9642 or use our e-commerce at www.babajiskriyayoga.net or send a check or money order to Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications, 196 Moutnain Road, P.O. Box 90, Eastman, Quebec, Canada J0E 1P0.


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